Professional Development Courses
Build Your Teaching Toolbox. Enrich Student Learning!
Structured Literacy
CourseIntroduction to Structured Literacy, its elements and evidence-based reading foundations for teaching literacy in a structured, explicit way.
Phonological Awareness & Phonics Primer
CourseIntroduction to phonological awareness and phonics, with evidenced-based practical instructions for developing phonemic awareness and decoding/encoding.
CourseStrategies to help students become better readers and spellers through orthographic mapping.
CourseLearn how to teach the skills required for better student comprehension outcomes.
Morphology: The Basics
CourseMorphemes are the smallest units of meaning in language. Learn the value of studying/teaching morphology for improved reading and spelling.
Executive Functioning Skills and Tips to Improve Them
CourseOutlines the foundational and advanced set of executive skills required for learning, and offers tips on how to improve those skills.
Note-Taking for Students
CourseLearn how to take notes easily to improve studying.
Dyslexia Primer and ePictureBook
CourseA sweet ePictureBook to help young people understand what dyslexia might look and feel like for them, plus a primer for teachers and parents on what dyslexia is and how it can affect a student's learning.
Wh*oo*sh! Podcast
CourseThe key to reading success starts here! The Centre For Literacy has created this podcast series to teach beginner readers to listen for the sounds they need to hear to go on to be successful readers.