Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Meet the Teacher

    1. Introduction

    2. Morphology supports ......

    3. Quiz - Value of Teaching Morphology

    1. Morphemes and Elements

    2. English Morphemes

    3. Chameleons, Homonyms and Cranberries

    4. Ways we see Morphemes

    1. Why is English so Difficult?

    2. The English Language - A Quick History

    3. History of the English Language

    4. Connecting Letters and Homophones

    5. Quiz - Origin of Words

    6. Etymology Nerd

    1. Classroom Activities

    2. Online Etymology Dictionary

    1. Morphology Supports Reading, Comprehension, and Spelling

About this course

  • $50.00
  • 18 lessons

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