Podcast Episodes

    1. Importance of Learning Letter Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)

    1. Episode 1 - /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/

    2. Episode 2 - /oo/ /i/ /o/ /n/

    3. Episode 3 - /f/ /v/ /a/ /n/

    4. Episode 4 - /th/ /th/ and blending sounds learned in Episodes 1-3

    5. Episode 5 - /th/ /th/, /s/, /z/, and blending sounds learned in Episodes 1-4

    6. Episode 6 - /ch/ /j/ /u/ and blending with sounds learned in Episodes 1-5

    7. Episode 7 - /m/ /n/ and blending sounds learned in Episodes 1-6

    8. Episode 8 - /w/ /h / /l / /r/ and blending sounds learned in Episodes 1-7

    9. Episode 9 - /e/ and /e/ blended with sounds learned in Episodes 1-8

    10. Episode 10 - Review of all Sounds from Episodes 1-9

    11. Episode 11 - Extended Episode - All Sounds from Episodes 1-10

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